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Dr. Farzana Shaheen

Dr. Farzana Shaheen, a Pakistani woman scientist, has been recognized by The Elsevier Foundation, Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) for research excellence along with a prize of US$ 5,000. She received OWSD award 2011 for Young Women Scientists for her outstanding achievements in Chemistry and is among the eleven women from the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean recognized for their research excellence. These women scientists were awarded OWSD prizes at a special ceremony held during the International Symposium on Women in Science and Engineering (WISE 2011) hosted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and Institute Kimia, Malaysia, in Kuala Lumpur from September 29-30. Each winner received a cash prize of 5,000 US dollars. She did her first postdoctoral studies with Prof. A. Ganesan (University of Southampton, UK) in the field of combinatorial chemistry through the award of UNESCO Fellowship for Young Women in Life Sciences in 2005.