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Dr. Gul Shahnaz

Dr. Gul Shahnaz, an Assistant Professor at the Quaid-i-Azam University, Department of Pharmacy, is the latest addition to the list of Pakistani women who have won global accolades and awards through their hard work and talent. She got her PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology from Austrian University of Innsbruck. Dr. Shahnaz has been successful in demonstrating expertise in drug delivery systems which she has already documented in several peer-reviewed publications and may have significant impact in pharmaceutical research and drug development. Gul Shahnaz is author of twenty six publications (added impact factor ~ 101 ; citations 344; H-index 13) which attest to her as an enthusiastic scientist with a profound background in pharmaceutical sciences, and knowledge in the application of relevant pharmaceutical and biochemical techniques. Shahnaz is among 15 young women scientists from around the world who have been awarded the prestigious UNESCO-L’Oreal International Fellowships for the year 2014. The fellowships are a part of the For Women in Science programme run by French cosmetics giant L‘Oreal in partnership with UNESCO. The programme started in 1998 and aims to support women researchers around the world. Dr. Shahnaz won the fellowship worth US$ 20,000 for her research proposal about a drug delivery system for Leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease that is spread to humans by the bite of infected sand flies. Dr. Shahnaz’s research aims to use nanotechnology to create a new system of treatment which allows efficient and more stable administration of the medicine. Her research will also look to determine alternative ways of drug intake and to overcome the reduction in the drug’s effectiveness.